Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Welcome Back

I have to say, today's MOPS meeting was amazing. The spirit of the mother's, the MOPPET workers, and the kids was astounding. I am so glad we can come together to support each other in this way. While we are glad to be back, we need to remember our sister in Christ, Rachel Whitten, at this time. Her husband has been deployed to Iraq and was injured over the weekend. It was truly a miracle that he was spared. She will be rejoining us in the future, but in the meantime our hearts and prayers will be with her.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Yes, it WAS a great meeting. I love meeting new people and catching up with those I had not see for awhile. And thanks to Michele for providing a craft that even this "craft-challenged" person could do! ha! :)
